Federal Law No. 273 “On Countering Corruption” (from December 25, 2008), which defines the key concepts in this sphere and envisages a series of anti-corruption measures.

Corruption is the abuse of official capacity, the bribery or acceptance of a bribe, the abuse of authority, the commercial bribery, or illegal use by a natural person of its official capacity contrary to lawful interests of the society or the state for the purposes of obtaining of money, values, other property or property-related services, other property rights for itself or third parties, or illegal providing of such profit to a person by the other individuals.

Combatting corruption is the activity of the federal state authorities, bodies of state power of constituents of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government, civil society institutions, organizations and natural persons, within the scope of their powers according to:

- Prevention of corruption including causes of corruption and its remedial measures (corruption prevention);

- Detection, prevention, suppression, detection and investigation of corruption offenses (combatting corruption);

- Minimizing and addressing the consequences of corruption offences.

Legal and regulatory instruments about anti-corruption


Feedback for the messages about corruption

Citizens who have any relevant information about acts of corruption in the Museum-Reserve “Abramtsevo” can contact via phones: +7 (495) 993-00-33, +7 (49654) 3-02-78, +8 (915) 194-44-53 or to e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; or to send your report by post to the address: Abramtsevo Museum-Reserve, Museynaya Street 1, Abramtsevo Village, Sergiev Posad District, Moscow Region, 141 352.

The Museum-Reserve “Abramtsevo” provides the registration and review of all claims received in accordance with Section 3, Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 59-FZ of 2 May 2006 “On Procedures for Examining Appeals and Addresses from Citizens of the Russian Federation”.


Documents of the Museum-Reserve “Abramtsevo” about anti-corruption

- Declaration of conflict of interests

- Anti-corruption undertaking

- Program of anti-corruption policy

- Code of Ethics for the Museum

- Regulation of the commission of presents’ evaluation

- Provision on conflict of interests

- Provision on message order about presents

- Interchange rules by business gifts

- Order regarding presents

- Order regarding combatting corruption

- Order regarding commission responsible for presents’ evaluation

- Order regarding confirmation of anti-corruption undertaking

- Order regarding confirmation of Addendum to the Labor Agreement

- Addendum to the Labor Agreement